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If you planning to visit Paraty and Ilha Grande, you probably wonder what is the best way to get to Ilha Grande from Paraty.
The cost and time of the journey depends on how you doing your travel.
To make your life easier we will split the journey in two parts, the first with the road transportation and the second with the maritime crossing.
To get to Ilha Grande from Paraty on the budget is using the regular bus that leaves from the Paraty bus station towards Angra dos Reis.
You can also hop on the bus along the route, so you don't need to go to Paraty bus station to catch the bus. It is a regular line, so it makes many stops, and the journey takes an average of 2 hours.
It is not the most comfortable, and we only recommend it to those travelling with backpack or little luggage.
Please check out the slide below for the timetable. Note (Sabado = Saturday, Domingo e Feriados = Sunday and Bank Holidays and Segunda a Sexta = Monday to Friday)
The bus coaches of Viação Costa Verde have regular schedules leaving from Paraty towards Angra dos Reis.
It is way more comfortable and has plenty of luggage space for those travelling with suitcases or a bit more luggage.
Unlike the preview option, this service ends at Angra dos Reis bus station, where you can get a Uber, regular taxi or bus to the town centre. You can also walk your way in approximately 25 minutes.
If you are the type of person who likes to travel at ease, the Transfer Service may be the right choice for you.
You just need to book it online, and they will take care of the rest, including the maritime crossing to Ilha Grande.
You can also choose between meeting point or pick up at your address (check the coverage upon booking).
Some of them you can cancel up to 24h before departure. (check before booking)
The official ferry departs from Lapa's pier Mon-Fri at 15:30h and Sat-Sun and bank holidays at 13:30h. (BRL 20,50)
From the Santa Luzia pier, there are Flexboats departures almost every hour from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm - BRL 100 per person.
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