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For those visiting Ilha Grande, boat trips are the most popular option.
Private or regular, the nautical itineraries take the visitor to know the wonders of Ilha Grande, accessible to practically all audiences.
You have the opportunity to swim with colourful fish as in the Blue and Green Lagoon tour and be enchanted by knowing the most remote and wild beaches on the island's oceanic side as in the 360° Tour of Ilha Grande
It is necessary to ensure that you have all you need before the tour.
With that in mind, we have prepared a list of items that cannot be left out when preparing for your journey.
-Snacks ( there is always a stop for lunch, but usually more at the end of the tour, so it is nice to have something to eat during the tour)
-Swim wear
-Spare clothes for after swim
- Windbreaker or a sweater depending on the time of year
- Snorkels
- Hat or cap
-Extra money (not all places accept cards, and cell signal is poor in smaller towns) body.
Now that you know what to take on the boat trip, just come and enjoy paradise.
And if you still don't know how to get to Ilha Grande and want to know the best way to arrive, we have a post explaining everything; just check it out.
Os melhores passeios, traslados e ingressos para as melhores atrações ao redor do mundo
Garanta sua passagem com comodidade, segurança e melhor preço
Os melhores produtos para a sua aventura na Decathlon.
Produtos de qualidade e entrega rápida
Voe Gol - Linhas aéreas inteligente
Viage com seguraça
Os melhores tour do Brasil e do Mundo em um só lugar
Ao reservar com nossos parceiros, você terá acesso aos melhores preços, descontos especiais e ainda estará contribuindo com nosso trabalho. Podemos receber uma pequena comissão, mas isso não acarreta nenhum custo adicional para você!
By booking with our partners, you'll have access to the best prices, special discounts, and you'll also be contributing to our work. We may receive a small commission, but it won't incur any additional cost to you!